Historical Homos

Historical Homos is the first no-fucks-given guide to history’s greatest homos: Ladies, Gentlemen, and all the no-fucks-giving rest. It is the brainchild of me and my brother Bash. Simply put, I design and he writes. We aim celebrate LGBTQ+ history through art, humour, and storytelling. Historical Homos exists to elucidate the extraordinary side of LGBTQ+ history — its history of power, achievement, self-expression, and often, downright hypocrisy. We believe every Historical Homo must therefore be represented radically for a modern audience — re-presented, as it were, in their own historical moment as well as our own. 

We began the project on Instagram in order to grow an audience and interact with the community. We have grown consistently over the past year to 10K followers

We have published our first print volume that features 7 of our favourite ‘Yesterqueers’. The book is available for purchase through our website. For a more in depth look at the work and project please visit our Instagram.



Front Cover

Front Cover